Wijeyadasa : A Rising Force

Wijeyadasa : A Rising Force

Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe: A Rising Force in Sri Lankan Politics

It is not unusual for some presidential candidates to get overshadowed by key contenders in the run-up to elections. However, beyond these primary figures, a candidate with significant potential has emerged—Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe. He stands out among the other contestants as he represents a dynamic social force seeking leadership.

The leadership of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) is currently in dispute. As a political force, the SLFP occupies a centre-left position rooted in nationalist ideology, distinct from the models propagated by the UNP, JVP, or SJB.


Will Symbols Matter?

I’m ashamed to have been part of such a cabinet - Wijeyadasa | ONLANKA News

Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe recently remarked that symbols don’t matter, asserting that the SLFP largely aligns with him. A more accurate statement would be that he is capable of transforming the SLFP, not only into a strong party but also into a progressive social movement that embodies progressive nationalism intertwined with social inclusion. This formation could expand the conventional boundaries of the SLFP, fostering multiculturalism and advancing a modern outlook.

The presidential polls serve as a springboard for this self-made politician, who has fought his way up the hard way, demonstrating his capabilities in various areas, with progressive constitutional reform being his forte.

A Progressive Lawmaker
In the true sense of the word, Dr. Rajapakshe has been a lawmaker. He played a significant role in the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, aimed at reducing the powers of the executive presidency and strengthening democratic governance. As Minister of Justice, he worked on initiatives to improve the efficiency and transparency of the judicial system, including efforts to reduce case backlogs and enhance judicial independence.

He has advocated for stronger anti-corruption laws and mechanisms, supporting legislation that increases transparency and accountability in government. Additionally, he has promoted human rights through legislative measures that protect marginalized communities and ensure justice for victims of human rights abuses.

Dr. Rajapakshe is known for his strong belief in legal and constitutional reform, being credited with presenting the most bills to parliament. His strategy has been one of intellect and knowledge, navigating stormy political waters to carve a unique space and develop a brand of his own. It is likely that he will apply these same skills to establish himself as a formidable candidate in the presidential election. Although he may not be the first to cross the finish line, there is potential for him to emerge as a strong leader.

Crossing Over

Anti-Corruption Bill tabled in Parliament

Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe first entered the Sri Lankan Parliament in 2004 as a member of the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), representing the Colombo District. Over his political career, he has switched parties multiple times—to the UNP in 2010, later to the SLPP, and now to the SLFP. On several occasions, he has stood his ground and resigned from ministerial positions without hesitation.

Some view these crossovers as opportunistic moves, while Dr. Rajapakshe explains that these decisions were made in good faith and in accordance with his conscience. Regardless of the arguments, it is indisputable that he has always found a place in the political arena. His slogan, “the country is my party,” reflects his ability to transcend party politics. He has successfully passed numerous bills in parliament with multi-party consensus.

Academic Pursuits

A lesson from Tissakutty to Wijedasa! - LankaTruth English

Dr. Rajapakshe stands out among other parliamentarians as a deep thinker and academic, holding two Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. The University of Kelaniya awarded him a PhD for his thesis titled “Some Structural and Operational Deficiencies Affecting Constitutional/Functional Democracy—A Case Study on Sri Lanka,” while the University of Colombo conferred a PhD for his thesis on the “Comparative Analysis of the Concept of Buddhist Righteousness with Modern Administration of Justice.” He is also the author of several academic publications on law-related subjects.

Dr. Rajapakshe is not someone who shies away from challenges, understanding well that “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” Despite being ridiculed as a fearmonger, he highlighted the presence of extremist ISIS elements in the country long before the Easter bombings. He also made significant comments regarding the MV X-Press Pearl incident, exposing potential corruption and questioning the adequacy of compensation.

A Strategic Move in Leadership
Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe’s decision to accept the leadership of the SLFP and later contest the presidential election under the lesser-known National Democratic Front is a strategic manoeuvre to advance to the next level of leadership. It is likely that the presidential election will have several offshoots, one of which could be Dr. Rajapakshe emerging as a leader capable of spearheading a new breed of politics, crystallizing around the SLFP and other progressive forces who do not find comfort elsewhere.

By Lankamithra

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