TNA Black Sheep

TNA Black Sheep

Leadership Battle in the Tamil National Alliance


Selvam Adaikalanathan.

Rajavarothiyam Sampanthan, the leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), has passed away, and the leadership battle continues. Some factions of the TNA want to see Abraham Sumanthiran, currently the spokesperson, as the leader of the TNA parliamentary group, while others favour of  Selvam Adaikalanathan. Undoubtedly, the final decision on who leads the TNA will be greatly influenced by India.

Recently, Selvam Adaikalanathan, the leader of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Movement (TELO), lashed out at his colleagues within the TNA, stating that while the TNA was “strong,” its influence is diminishing in the minds of the people due to the activities of “two or three black sheep.” He claimed that spokesperson M.A. Sumanthiran “cannot be acceptable as the leader of the alliance.”


Is Sumanthiran one of those’ black sheep’?

Adaikalanathan refused to name the ‘black sheep,’ saying, “I don’t want to mention anyone’s name for the sake of civility.” Instead, he pointed out how Ranil Wickremesinghe was using “fox tricks” to try and break up the TNA

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