The Extended AG

The Extended AG

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has proposed a six-month extension for Sri Lanka’s Attorney General, who is due to retire this month.


This proposal has sparked political controversy and is being debated by the Constitutional Council and many are questioning the move.

The President has cited the Attorney General’s involvement in discussions related to the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks and the X-Press Pearl ship disaster as reasons for the extension, which has been widely criticized.

The proposal has had a significant backlash, with accusations of political interference in the judicial process. The Catholic Bishops Conference of Sri Lanka has condemned the President’s justifications as misleading.

Further Politicization
Critics argue that the extension would further politicize the Attorney General’s office, historically seen as an impartial legal institution but increasingly viewed as politically manipulated.
Recent Supreme Court rulings have emphasized the need for transparency and proper use of presidential discretion, highlighting the judiciary’s role in maintaining constitutional integrity.
The controversy over the Attorney General’s extension is seen as deepening the crisis of confidence in Sri Lanka’s legal and democratic institutions, underscoring the need for leaders to act with integrity and within constitutional bounds.

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