Small and Mighty  Grants

Small and Mighty Grants



The U.S. Embassy invites qualified organizations or individuals based across Sri Lanka to submit proposals. This round of the Small and Mighty Grants Program 2024 acknowledges the transformative potential of small projects in advancing climate resilience and promoting democratic values, with a specific focus on innovative initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion in the following thematic areas:


Programs Promoting Climate Action or Climate Resilience
Under this specific call, we aim to assist Sri Lanka’s progress toward environmental sustainability, climate mitigation and adaptation, and renewable energy goals. As an island nation, Sri Lanka is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and will benefit from maintaining the richness of its natural resources to provide for the welfare of all of its people.

Sri Lanka’s environmental resources have degraded over the past several decades, threatening the country’s social welfare and economic trajectory. While direct threats include increasing encroachment into protected areas and other natural ecosystems, unsustainable and illegal exploitation and pollution, including marine plastics, other indirect challenges have hastened the rate of resource degradation. Indirect threats include inadequate implementation of existing laws and policies; poor coordination and institutional capacity; corruption; insufficient resilience; and despite its historical conservation ethos, waning commitment. Climate change poses challenges to the sustainability of both Sri Lanka’s energy systems and its rich natural resource base.

We welcome projects that help to raise awareness, inspire community action, or otherwise galvanize grassroots or community interest in addressing these challenges. The following areas are examples of activities that could be included, but not limited to, under this category:

Community-based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) training at schools, such as a science fair for young people who have learned to use or build renewable energy resources.
Instituting recycling clubs or environmental education programs in schools and universities, such as environmental Ted Talks or an Environmental Champions Network.
Teaching young people how to organize community service projects that undertake community-based ecosystem restoration projects and incorporate follow-on educational activities.
Climate change advocacy and leadership training for students.
Campaigns, to include art mural projects, which highlight environmental themes, raise awareness, and encourage impactful changes in behavior.
Training on environmental themes for journalists.

Programs Promoting Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights
Under this specific call we encourage grassroot efforts that promote peace, democracy, reconciliation, human rights, fostering social integration and preventing conflicts across communities in Sri Lanka. We welcome initiatives that contributes towards peacebuilding among different ethnic and religious communities, strengthen democratic values, enhance awareness, protection of religious freedom, gender equality and disability rights, and human rights principles.

Sri Lanka continues to face challenges to cultivate peace among communities. These challenges include ethnic and religious tensions, post-conflict trauma and legacy, political polarization, inequality and economic disparity, land disputes and resettlements, misinformation and hate speech, youth disengagement, cultural and language barriers, resistance to change, etc. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach involving all stakeholders in the process.

The following areas are examples of activities that could be included, but not limited to, under this category:

Human rights workshops
Community dialogue forums
Intercultural exchanges
Leadership trainings
Art and cultural projects
Peace education programs
Community peace projects
Civic education
Advocacy campaigns
Debates at universities or school



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