Sexual Harassment Checked

Sexual Harassment Checked

New Amendments to the Penal Code on Sexual Harassment
Causing sexual harassment through words or any form of communication could result in imprisonment for up to five years and a fine under proposed amendments to the country’s criminal laws.

According to the amendments, which will be presented in Parliament shortly, offenders will also be required to pay compensation to the victim.

The proposed amendments to the Penal Code define ‘communication that amounts to sexual harassment’ as including the transmission, distribution, sharing, generation, propagation, or publication of sexually explicit messages, remarks, images, audio, or video through electronic means or the internet.

The use of words or actions encompasses making any sound or gesture, exhibiting any object, making sexually coloured remarks, and demanding or requesting sexual favours.

Additionally, the amendments specify that injuries caused by such harassment include psychological or mental trauma. These amendments have been introduced in response to an increase in complaints about the sexual harassment of women and children.

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