Sajith is leading in the South ?

Sajith is leading in the South ?

Lanka Newsline spoke to provincial journalist  of Galle, Mathara, and Hambanthota to find about election campaigning in the South and here are some quotes from the conversation.

UNP backbench MPs decide to back Sajith's candidacy

” Sajith is leading in the south this is mainly a protest vote against the Rajapaksha clan  many who supported  the lotus are now with him .”

The compass and Anura Kumara  Dianayaka are doing ok and they are putting  up a massive show to convince others but at the ground level it is not working the main strategy is is to set up party offices all over.”

“The  floating vote is shifting towards  as  the election campaign gathers momentum  the undecided will decide to go with the winning candidate


” The JVP and Jathika Jana Balavegaya second level leader ship is not the most popular ones at the village level but undoubtedly Anuara Kumara is an political icon there would be some at the village will be impressed by his charismatic leadership but that’s  not  sufficient to  over come the influence of Sajith’s local level politicians who are relatively more popular.”


” The Campaign of Ranil Wickramasingha is all most non existent in the South.Those who crossed over from the lotus  are not people who could credibly canvass for ay one and now they fear that campaigning for R anil  will unsecure their political future further”.

Sajith Premadasa warmly welcomed in Hambantota

” The voters are very angry with the Rajapakshas  for whom they have been always voteing and they want to teach them a lesson and the only way they could do this is by voting foR sajith or Anura .Undoubtedly  Anura is going to get many more votes than the last time but as many feet that those votes are not sufficient for him to win the race they will go with Sajith.Thats how power politics works. Voting’s one of the most irrational acts of human beings. ” 

” We know that caste plays a crucial role in southern politics”


Sajitha has a block vote in Hambanthota , it is true that he could not beat the Rajapaksha’s in the previoues elections but this time the Rajapaksha;s are no where near the wining post and its Sajith’s turn now “

The Over all Picture As reported by Sunday Times Political Columnist:  

Another candidate who is attracting large crowds is Sajith Premadasa, leader of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB). Together with senior members of his party and those who joined recently, he called on the Maha Nayakes of the Malwatte and Asgiriya Chapters on Thursday. This was to hand over copies of the SJB’s manifesto. The pledges were to build a “resilient economy, enhance the state service, protect quality of life and safeguard the nation.” Even if the other frontrunners did not say so in those words, they were quite clearly committed to the same ideals. The SJB document was 44 pages and was titled “A win for all.” At the 2019 presidential election, Premadasa, who contested on the National Democratic Front (NDF) ticket, polled 41.99 percent or received 5,564,239 votes.


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