Invictus Moment of Ranil

Invictus Moment of Ranil

The Invictus Moment of Ranil Wickremesinghe

The moral of the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley is about resilience, self-mastery, and the indomitable human spirit. The poem emphasizes the importance of remaining strong and unconquered, even in the face of life’s hardships and challenges. It conveys that no matter how difficult circumstances may be, individuals have the power to control their response and maintain their dignity. The concluding lines, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul,” encapsulate the poem’s message that each person holds the ultimate authority over their destiny and inner strength. Since taking over as President of Sri Lanka in July 2022, Ranil Wickremesinghe has achieved several significant milestones, especially in addressing the country’s severe economic and political crises.


Phoenix Rising From Ashes

In July 2022, amidst a nation in turmoil, Ranil Wickremesinghe assumed the presidency of Sri Lanka, inheriting a country on the brink of economic collapse. The gravity of the situation was staggering: Sri Lanka was experiencing its worst economic crisis in decades, with skyrocketing inflation, severe shortages of essential goods, and widespread social unrest.

As he was sworn in as President, his residence on Flower Road was in flames, and most of his valuable book collection was reduced to ashes. However, like the mythical Phoenix rising from its ashes, Ranil Wickremesinghe quickly reinvented himself and took on the presidency. He reached out to neighbouring India to secure a credit line and ensured that supplies of food, medicine, and fuel were restored. The IMF, which had been distanced by the Rajapaksas, was soon engaged, leading to structural reforms for financial stability.

It was a moment that tested the resilience and determination of the country’s leadership. Wickremesinghe’s response to these challenges can be likened to the spirit of the poem “Invictus,” which speaks of unwavering strength and self-mastery in the face of overwhelming adversity.


Economic Stabilization and Recovery

One of Wickremesinghe’s most significant achievements since taking office has been the stabilization of Sri Lanka’s economy. In March 2023, he successfully secured a $3 billion Extended Fund Facility from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This agreement was crucial in stabilizing the country’s finances and provided a foundation for economic recovery. The IMF deal not only helped Sri Lanka address its immediate fiscal challenges but also set the stage for long-term structural reforms aimed at restoring economic stability and growth.

Strengthening International Relations

Wickremesinghe also focused on revitalizing Sri Lanka’s international relationships. Understanding the importance of global support, he engaged with international leaders and financial institutions to secure necessary aid and investments. His participation in forums like the World Economic Forum in Davos and COP27 highlighted his commitment to advocating for Sri Lanka on the global stage, particularly in areas such as climate action and debt relief. His efforts to attract foreign investment, especially in renewable energy and infrastructure, are crucial for Sri Lanka’s economic revival. He courageously called for an independent Palestinian state to be recognized by the international community. He has been able to calm geopolitical tensions between India and China in the Indian Ocean without compromising the sovereignty and non-aligned status of the country.

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Political and Social Reforms

On the domestic front, Wickremesinghe has initiated several important political reforms. Recognizing the need for national reconciliation, he has worked towards addressing long-standing grievances in the Northern and Eastern provinces, regions heavily affected by the civil war. His administration has also introduced legislation aimed at improving governance, including measures to combat corruption and promote transparency. These reforms are essential for building trust in government institutions and ensuring long-term peace and stability in the country. His “River for Jaffna” project aims to bring a continuous fresh flow of water to Jaffna using desalinated water.

Challenges and the Road Ahead

Despite these achievements, Wickremesinghe faces ongoing challenges. Public discontent remains high due to the slow pace of economic recovery and the painful austerity measures implemented as part of the IMF agreement. Additionally, the upcoming presidential election will be a significant test of his leadership. The election is not just a political contest but a moment of reckoning, where Wickremesinghe’s ability to lead Sri Lanka through crisis will be scrutinized by the electorate. He has placed a very clear choice before the voters: Do they want to continue with a process that has already produced results, or experiment further, risking chaos and confusion?

He has risen above party politics and presented himself as an independent candidate with an open invitation to all those who want to emerge from the deep crisis the country is facing. As he himself has said, “We are not out of the woods, but we’re getting there.” It is now up to the Sri Lankan constituency to decide if they want to march forward or make a U-turn back into the woods.

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This sentiment was well expressed by the Governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, while addressing the professional association. He said, “A reversal of the current economic program will result in the recurrence of the economic and social crisis Sri Lanka faced nearly two years ago. No matter how effective such efforts are, any political or social uncertainty or reversal of the results achieved so far will affect the debt restructuring process and change the expected course of the economy, impacting it irreparably. This will also result in an economic and social crisis like the one we experienced in the last two years.”

This is a warning that every Sri Lankan needs to take seriously when casting their vote to select the next President on the 21st of September.

The Voting Formula

It is no secret that Ranil Wickremesinghe has to look for a new voter base beyond the traditional one. He is strategically correct because a new voter base has emerged, largely represented by the floating vote, which is mostly disgruntled with traditional party politics. Ranil Wickremesinghe has many traits that appeal to this segment of voters. He has produced tangible results that Sri Lankan society is currently enjoying, while his contenders, Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake, are speaking of an unseen future. There is a high probability that the currently undecided floating vote, coupled with the traditional block vote, will put Ranil Wickremesinghe first to cross the line on election day.

Captain of His Soul

The final lines of “Invictus”—”I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”—resonate strongly with Wickremesinghe’s current position. As Sri Lanka continues its journey towards recovery, his leadership will play a crucial role in determining the nation’s future. Whether he can continue to navigate these challenges with the resilience and determination he has shown so far will be the defining factor in his legacy as president. In this critical period, Wickremesinghe’s “Invictus” moment symbolizes not just his personal resolve but also the broader struggle of a nation striving to overcome its difficulties and emerge stronger on the other side.

William Ernest Henley wrote “Invictus” in 1875 at age 27, while recovering from tuberculosis and facing the amputation of one leg. Despite his struggles, he remained defiant and resilient. Henley lived until 1903, dying at age 53. The poem reflects his enduring spirit and strength against adversity.


“Invictus” Poem by William Ernest Henley – Phil Slattery, Writer, Publisher


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


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