Coconut Oil Sex lube

Coconut Oil Sex lube

Coconut oil is becoming popular as it has been clinically proven for safe and effective use as a moisturizer and over all there is atrend for natural sexual lubricants.

According to a 2014 study, coconut oil is clinically proven for safe and effective use as a moisturizer. Its moisturizing properties may make the product an effective lube and allow for longer-lasting intercourse.
The study conducted by Gambhirsinh Sursinh Vala of the Junagadh Agricultural University discusses the medicinal benefits of coconut oil.
Coconut oil offers a range of benefits as a lubricant, including moisturizing the genitals, decreases dryness, and lowering the risk of inflammation.
In particular, vaginal atrophy may be combated with more frequent sex, so it’s important to deal with any pain associated with sex.
‘Some people may have a desire to stick to oil-based lubricants, like coconut oil, because it contains less ingredients or other synthetic materials that they may wish to avoid, [like] added fragrances, which may cause vaginal irritation,’ says Dr. Tiffany Pham

Dr. Tiffany Pham

For those with allergies or sensitive skin, choosing a more natural option like coconut oil, with no added chemicals or toxins, can also make for an appealing lubricant.
unrefined coconut oil is sed to be the best , but there is need for more scientific studies.

There is a possibility of coconut oil weakening latex condoms
Coconut oil has a high pH, making it alkaline, while the normal pH of the vagina is acidic. These properties can disrupt the natural pH balance of your vagina. This upset can cause yeast infections or other vaginal infections.

Despite these limitations coconut oil , special cold pressed virgin oil is riding high in the lubricant market due its rich texture and consumer preference for local products.

In the meantime, there are plenty of tried-and-tested lubes you may consider.


Medicinal use of Coconut Oil 

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