AKD and Sajith

AKD and Sajith

A Pathway for AKD and Sajith ?

The NPP -JVP  alliance has stirred the political landscape, challenging the status quo of a President without popular mandate, a government lacking credibility, and political parties with worn-out faces and businessmen with murky pasts. This force will have to explore new pathways and forge further alliances.

The acknowledgment of NPP/JVP as a formidable force by the established powers signifies a shift. It’s time for NPP/JVP to openly present their views, aims, and policies, dispelling the myths surrounding them with a clear manifesto.

A History of Struggle
Since independence, Sri Lanka’s political history has been marred by a series of absurdities: entrenched big families, landowners, tavern keepers, and opportunistic businessmen. The result? A nation left impoverished and struggling, providing seventy years of comic relief, a rattletrap even by Asian standards.

Lessons from Europe
The radical ideas of Marx and Engels were products of 19th-century European thought, far removed from Sri Lankan realities. Yet, their legacy in Europe resulted in strong economies, democratic institutions, and high living standards, attracting immigrants from around the world. Contrarily, countries like North Korea and China, claiming communist ideals, reveal the complexities and contradictions of implementing such ideologies in practice.

Sri Lanka’s Struggle
From 1948, Sri Lanka has faced an unending series of missteps, reflecting a national temperament leaning towards backwardness and poor productivity. The focus was not on strengthening or enriching the nation but on a flawed belief that all societal ills stem from systemic nastiness, with the illusion of hidden wealth waiting to be equally distributed.

Systemic Failures
The country’s institutions – executive, legislature, judiciary, and business community – have all failed to deliver, plagued by corruption and inefficiency. Laws are frequently amended, appointments delayed, and the public sector harasses the helpless citizenry. Even the private sector, motivated by profit, displays unscrupulous and greedy tendencies.The SJB and Sajith’s clan has been a part  of this murky past but it’s  potential to have a refreshing new journey with Sajith Premadasa is certainly a  challenging possibility

A Call for Change
Despite the challenges, the call for a system change resonates. The refrain during elections is clear: “The army is ready, where is the General?” This reflects a belief in the nation’s potential if only the right leadership emerges and AKD is certainly eligible to lead the march forward .Also  the possibility of Sajith  Premadasa who is a social democrat joining hands with AKD is certainly a possibility.

A Self-Appraisal
Ultimately, Sri Lanka must confront its realities and strive for a correct self-appraisal. The unity and determination of its people can pave the way for a powerful new nation in Asia. As the closing words of the Communist Manifesto suggest, “All the people of the nation unite! They have nothing to lose but their illusions about themselves!. Unity within the fragmented voters around credible political forcers as a necessity of the hour and a AKD -Sajitha exchange of thoughts an a pragmatic approach will be unavoidable in the next hung parliament.

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